Recent Publications & Presentations

Vanek, J., King, K., Bigelow, M. (2018). Social presence and identity: Facebook in an English Language Classroom. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King, K., & Abdi, N. (2017). Literacy as social (media) practice: Refugee youth and home language literacy at school. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Special issue: Cultural and Academic Adjustment of Refugee Youth in Educational Settings, 60, 183-197.
Vanek, J. (2017). Using the PIAAC Framework for Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments to Guide Instruction: An Introduction for Adult Educators. Research to practice brief. Washington DC. American Institutes for Research.
Selected Presentations
Invited Presentations at Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

Vanek, J. (November 2017). Fostering technology skills and tools for learning and employability for all. Panel discussion convener and moderator. National College Transitions Conference. Providence, RI
Rosen, D., Constantakis, P., Kattan, S., Aalami, J and Vanek, J. (September 2017). Blended learning: Leveraging technology to advance adult learning. ProLiteracy Conference. Featured presentation invited panelist. Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J., (April 2017). Technology, mobility, and transnational reality: Reconsidering the speech community. Second Language Acquisition Symposium. Plenary session invited panelist. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J. (November 2016). Involved instruction: Leveraging technology in the distance and blended learning. Preconference workshop. National College Transitions Conference. Providence, RI
Vanek, J. (September 2016). Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments: an approach to tech integration in ABE classrooms. Keynote. Arizona Adult Education Summer Institute: Tempe, AZ.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King., K. & Abdi, N. (December 2015). Youth mediated classroom learning spaces: Translanguaging and the new Minnesota legislation supporting ELs’ native languages at school. CARLA Brown Bag, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., & King, K. (August 2015). Literacy as social (media) practice: Refugee youth and home language at school. Minnesota Center for Reading Research, Summer Literacy Workshop, St. Paul, MN.
Vanek, J. & Cytron-Hysom, T. (April 2015). Introduction to the Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment. Digital Promise/Conference on Adult Basic Education. Pre-Conference Session. Denver, CO.
Vanek, J., Bigelow, M., King, K. (November 2014). Social media, social presence, and transnational identities among Minnesota-Somali youth. CARLA Brown Bag, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Ajax, E., Chapman, M., Gadkarnee, S., Vanek, J. (December 2013) New models for reaching students in the workplace and through technology. Time to Reskill Local Engagement Meeting of. Joyce Foundation and Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. Chicago, IL. Panelist.
Vanek, J. Distance learning for adult ESL learners: Effective practices. (May 2012). Atlas Adult ESL Institute. Minnesota Department of Education. Presenter/Panel Coordinator.
Contributed Papers Presented at Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc.

Vanek, J., Cushing-Leubner, J., Engman, M., & Kaiper, A. (September 2016) Vacant-Core policy: Unfounded legitimation claims in one state’s Adult Basic Education language policy. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference, Calgary, Canada.
Vanek, J. (August 2016). Integrating problem solving and technology into instruction. Minnesota ABE Summer Institute. St. Cloud, MN.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King, K., & Abdi, N. (November 2015) Language and learning across transnational contexts: Considering possibilities. National Council Teachers of English Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King, K., & Abdi, N. (November 2015) Literacy as social (media) practice: Refugee youth and home language at school. Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition Symposium (LESLLA), St Augustine, FL.
Vanek, J., King, K., Bigelow, M. (November 2015) Social media for refugee teens: Creating an affirming space for identity assertions. LESLLA. St. Augustine, FL.
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., & King, K. (November 2015) Literacy as social (media) practice: Culturally relevant pedagogy with multilingual youth. Minnesota English Learner Education Conference. Bloomington, MN.
Vanek, J., (August 2015). Ubiquitous technology: New venues for socially constructed identities. Somali Studies International Congress. Helsinki, Finland.
Vanek, J. (May 2015) Response to Bonny Norton: Comments on special issues of Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 35 (2015). Discussant. University of Minnesota – Second Language Education Department Presentation. Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J. (May 2015) A report of action research on technology integration for English language practitioners in Adult Basic Education. CARLA Language Teacher Education Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J., King, K., & Bigelow, M. (November 2014) Social presence, identity, and language learning with Somali newcomers on Facebook. Minnesota English Learner Education Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J., Cushing-Leubner, J. (August 2014) Leveraging native languages for English language learning: Role of L1 in language and literacy development. Minnesota Adult Basic Education Summer Institute. St. Cloud, MN.
Vanek, J. (August 2014) Online distance learning for adult ELLs: Promising instructional practice. Minnesota Adult Basic Education Summer Institute. St. Cloud, MN.
Vanek, J., Cytron-Hysom, T., Yang, P. (April 2014) Moving forward: A case for building digital literacy and web literacy in corrections education programs. Minnesota Region III & IV Corrections Education Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Vanek, J., Johnston, J., Hart, S., Long, D. (March 2014) Online distance learning for English Language Learners: Promising instructional practice. TESOL Conference. Portland, OR
Vanek, J. (March 2014) Technology integration into ESL classrooms: Developing teacher awareness. TESOL Conference. Portland, OR.
Vanek, J. (March 2014) Digital literacy treatment in ESL programs: Workforce Investment Act II as de facto language policy. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Portland OR.
Reder, S. Vanek, J., and Wrigley, H. (October 2011) Supporting digital literacy development in LESLLA learners. LESLLA Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Panel.
Roundtable Presentations at Professional Meetings
and Conferences
Vanek, J., King, K., Bigelow, M. (March 2015) Face, and Facebook: Social media, identity, and language learning with Somali newcomers. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Toronto, Canada.